Cross Chair and Stool
Cross Chair and Stool
Cross is an upholstered chair and stool collection, working with the manipulation of scale, while experimenting with ergonomics, following the creative principle applied in Pinsofa. This approach leads to unusual objects and situations upturning the ordinary context and pieces of furniture becoming individual characters. The experimental collection draws on the roots of crafts while combining it with modern technology.
“The individual pieces of this collection are dissimilar in their forms although all made according to the same concept: taking everyday objects to make small-scale furniture models then ‘magically enlarging’ them to the desired scale to achieve real life pieces.”

Size: 40x40x80 / 40x40x40 cm
Material: Oak wood + Upholstery
Year: 2016
Photography: Mihaly Demeczky
Award: Moholy-Nagy László Design Grant